Good Shepherd Services Wolverhampton

10k Team Run

Jen Ridgway

Jen Ridgway

My Story

Surefire Management Services and Soltherm External Wall Insulations hold charitable giving as a hallmark value of credibility and the cornerstone of Surefire and Soltherms dedication to having a positive impact on communities through the services we deliver. As a result, we recently undertook a companywide staff survey to ascertain which charity spoke to our staff and would benefit most from charitable donations and support. Following this survey it was concluded that we would donate to Good Shepherd, Wolverhampton based charity that provides support to vulnerable individuals going through crises such as homelessness, domestic abuse, and economic insecurity.


As a result, a number of our team decided to undertake a 10k Charity run in Southport on 25th June 2023, setting up donation pages both internally and within their personal circles. Our team members are as follows:

·       Technical Director, Mark Gibbs

·       Design Manager, Jack Vogel

·       Warehouse Co-Ordinator, Martynas Zalumskis

·       Technical Specification Advisor, Andrew O’Rourke


Through charitable deeds such as this and recognising and taking every opportunity to contribute in a productive manner, Surefire and Soltherm hope to create a legacy of positive impact on the local community.



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Surefire Management Services and Soltherm External Wall Insulations hold charitable giving as a hallmark value of credibility and the cornerstone of Surefire and Soltherms dedication to having a positive impact on communities through the services we deliver. As a result, we recently undertook a companywide staff survey to ascertain which charity spoke to our staff and would benefit most from charitable donations and support. Following this survey it was concluded that we would donate to Good Shepherd, Wolverhampton based charity that provides support to vulnerable individuals going through crises such as homelessness, domestic abuse, and economic insecurity.


As a result, a number of our team decided to undertake a 10k Charity run in Southport on 25th June 2023, setting up donation pages both internally and within their personal circles. Our team members are as follows:

·       Technical Director, Mark Gibbs

·       Design Manager, Jack Vogel

·       Warehouse Co-Ordinator, Martynas Zalumskis

·       Technical Specification Advisor, Andrew O’Rourke


Through charitable deeds such as this and recognising and taking every opportunity to contribute in a productive manner, Surefire and Soltherm hope to create a legacy of positive impact on the local community.